Monday, January 21, 2013

Get grounded for your own good

Although we know at a subconscious level that fresh air is good for us, we also get an amazing amount of energy through our bare feet from Mother Earth.  
Earthing is based on the discovery that connecting to the Earth's natural energy is foundational for vibrant health. This knowledge has been overlooked and under estimated.

Earthing restores and maintains the body’s most natural electrical state, which in turn promotes optimal health and function in daily life.

This energy is the ultimate anti-inflammatory and anti aging medicine. Fascinating new research has raised the possibility that being disconnected from the Earth could actually contribute to chronic pain, fatigue and poor sleep.

Back in time, mankind walked barefoot and slept on the ground. But modern lifestyles have changed dramatically with most of us living and working inside, wearing insulated shoes and, of course, rarely sleeping on the ground.

Electromagnetic pollution is endemic – from computers, mobile phones, TVs, microwaves, electric clocks, radios, electric blankets and other home appliances. These can disturb the body’s electric circuit and ability to be healthy.

The answer is reduced exposure to electromagnetic pollution and to keep connected to the Earth. This is best done by getting outside and going bare feet in the dirt, lawn, sand, sea and rocks. Wood, asphalt and vinyl do not work, as they are not conductive surfaces.

Nature is the best designer. The moisture from feet helps transfer electrons up into the body. Foot soles have more nerve endings per square centimetre than any other part of the body. 
The sole also has the most sweat glands and perspires more than any other part of the body except head and hands

When the weather is cold or wet, use grounding products such as conductive bed sheets and footpads when working at a desk. These products are at or They can also be used in conjunction with outdoor grounding to prolong the benefits.

What they say about EARTHING
“I regard Earthing as the greatest health breakthrough in all my years in medical practice. Regular grounding (another name for Earthing) restores the body’s natural electrical state, calms the nervous system, reduces inflammation and improves circulation. No pill on Earth can do what Mother Earth does!” – Dr Stephen Sinatra, integrative cardiologist and co-author Earthing

Three in one
The Earth’s energy is free and you can have as much as you want. Getting out with bare feet and connecting to the grass, sand or walking in the ocean are all amazing ways to recharge your body, mind and spirit.
Connecting with the ground (grounding), absorbing Vitamin D (sunshine) and movement is like a trinity of health.
Over the summer, plan some time to put your feet on the Earth every day for at least 30 minutes.

Michelle Owen is a postural and wellness specialist, CHEK practitioner and corporate wellness speaker