Sunday, April 14, 2013


  • Want more energy for the things you love? 
  • Want to feel better in your body?

Spend the whole afternoon learning how to feel better every single day.
Learn how to significantly boost your energy and keep it up all day long.
Join Michelle on Saturday 17/08/13 at my lovely Eden Terrace studio in Auckland -  1pm to 5pm with a SUPER nourishing, healthy afternoon tea provided.
Come in comfortable clothing that you are happy to move in.

Have sustained energy and feel comfortable in your body!

You will learn:
How to choose and balance your food for optimal energy and
strong healthy bodies – its easy and fun.
How to get a good and sound night’s sleep and feel recovered
in the morning.
How to have youth and vitality – you don’t have to wither with age
How our thoughts and emotions affect our health and what you can do about it.
About how important posture is visually and functionally.
Practical skilled stretches/mobilizations to take home straight away to help your posture and relieve pain
What sort of exercise is right for you and when?

How to make small changes in each of these key areas to
bring huge improvements in overall health and wellness, and
to give you the energy to keep you doing what you love and
sustain long term health…and much more!

TESTIMONIAL:     Working on work life balance: 
 After Michelle’s presentation I quickly realised that I was not a role model in terms of promoting good Health.
       Poor breathing technique
       Poor posture
       Poor hydration (20+ cups of coffee a day)
       Poor nutrition and eating habits (Main meal sometimes late at night)
       3 to 4 hours sleep a day        Long hours at work (sitting at computer)
       Poor work life balance  

       Below are the changes I have made so far:
       Breathing diaphragmatically
       Better posture
       No more coffee, now drinking lots of water
       Started eating breakfast and light meals at night (found this hard to change)       
       Up to 6 hours sleep a day       
       Reducing hours at work (included are lunch time river walks)     
       Working on work life balance

Personally I got a lot out of this presentation and it has encouraged me to make quite a few life style type changes.

Much appreciated.

Rick D

Investment: 99.00
email me for more details and to book a space

Monday, April 1, 2013

How to look after your liver

The environment is loaded with toxins.
The chemicals in food, colorings, alcohol, medications and skin lotions are all filtered through our amazing livers.
It is responsible for filtering toxins out of the blood. If your liver is overworked and never gets a break through poor lifestyle habits, it can become clogged, causing toxins to back up and recirculate into the bloodstream.
Your liver decides what can come in and what stays out. It is like the gatekeeper. It does this mainly by removing impurities from the blood. The body also eliminates toxins through the lungs, lymph and skin, kidneys and intestines.

Symptoms of toxicity
Asthma, allergies, headaches, joint pain, skin problems, inability to concentrate, poor sleep, extra kilos and alcohol intolerance can all be symptoms of a toxic or overloaded liver.
This inability to detoxify can lead to premature ageing as well as many degenerative diseases. The good news is that the liver has an amazing ability to regenerate with new lifestyle skills.
Detoxification is a natural function when the body is properly nourished. However, when this system is compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected
It is important to learn what foods to eat, those to avoid, and when and how much to eat in order to maximise the efficiency of your body’s biochemistry.
Food allergy testing is a good idea if you are having problems with what you eat.

Fat cell toxins
Toxins in fat cells will not break down easily. Reducing body fat will release fat-residing toxins into the blood stream. When toxins are stored they slow down the thyroid, a main gland for controlling metabolism. When the thyroid slows down so does the metabolic rate, leading to more stored fat.

Benefits to gain
Losing body fat means clearer thinking, a better complexion, a stronger immune system and improved digestion and liver function. Your metabolism will speed up and your intestines will gain their ability to quickly and easily eliminate waste unhindered by toxin build-up.
Poor digestion and toxicity are among the leading culprits of poor health. Once your body is thoroughly cleansed, keep it that way by following the principles of healthy living and avoid substances that carry toxins.

Things you can do
Cleansing the liver is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health, and improve vitality and energy
Eat cleansing foods such as vegetables in the form of juicing, soups and salads, fruit, lean protein and good quality oils
You can also use strong tasting herbs mixed into a potion as a liver healing and support.
Drink lots of clean filtered water. Lemon in warm water in the morning is a perfect liver cleanse. During the detox it is important to get rid of any alcohol, cigarettes, processed food and sugars to allow the body some healing time.
Optimally, you would have a comprehensive health plan that addresses nourishment, exercise, lifestyle and stress management.